Simple. Affordable.
I distribute 10% of revenue to charities and non-profits supporting under-represented minorities in STEM fields. My hourly rate is $250 per hour, with 10% discount for pre-purchasing 10 hour blocks. This rate is a reflection of the value I bring; I am not just a developer-for-hire.
I can provide a very broad set of fractional CTO services that tap into my experience, and do not require any minimum investment or long-term commitment on your part. I aim to listen to your needs and provide maximum value tailored to your budget and scope.
Engagements can be priced in ways that are most comfortable for you :
“no commitment” hourly consulting
agreed scope and cost
a monthly retainer
For exceptional opportunities, I am open to providing services in return for equity
Market rates for full-time startup CTOs are in the range $350-500k/year; you can access my experience for less than that, on a fractional basis